Gift a Classroom
No child should be deprived of education because of poverty

Many classrooms are tagged 'unsafe for usage'
Most government schools across Pauri and Tehri Garhwal region were provided with basic infrastructure and facilities when they were set up approximately 15 years ago. The government funding for infrastructure maintenance has been inadequate (roughly Rs 25000/ per year) and primarily spent on basic repairs of taps and bolts, a basic whitewash once every two years and clearing overgrown grass to keep snakes and reptiles at bay. Over time, due to lack of maintenance and heavy seepage, classrooms have deteriorated to the extent that they have now been tagged as ‘unsafe for usage’.
Recent heavy rains in the region have further compounded the problem. As per government procedure, these schools are awaiting the demolition of their infrastructures.
In March 2021, AITYS team also encountered Russell viper snakes taking shelter in the classrooms due to non-existent windows, posing a danger for kids and teachers.
During our recent visits, Principals of various schools reported problems, including inadequate roofing, foundations, missing windows, severe water leakage, and inadequate furniture or plumbing. They sought our help to improve the state of the existing infrastructure. They want to make a habitable school environment for their children.

Broken Furniture

Unsafe Ceiling

Broken Switches
Creating a safe educational environment in rural schools
AITYS’s “Gift a classroom” campaign aims to upgrade rural school facilities to improve teaching and learning and create a safe, educational environment that is common in our cities.
At its most basic, a school facility must provide a comfortable environment for learning, including an adequately sized, safe, and dry building. We plan to enhance the current infrastructure of these schools; including, constructing new classrooms, repairing old rooms where possible, repairing classroom furniture, providing computers and laptops, providing NCERT books, replenishing library with new books, providing audio-visual aid such as projectors for teachers, providing dhurries and yoga mats. The requirement could vary from school to school.


Work in Progress

Classrooms in GIC Kaleshwar

Repair of classroom tables and chairs in GIC Dondal

A projector was donated to GIC Kholachauri

More than 100 books in Hindi & English were given in GIC Kholachuri & Dondal

More than 5500 educational books were given to 12 schools

4712 NCERT text books were given to 14 schools

1200 yoga mats were given to 14 schools in Uttarakhand

Construction work in progress for 2 classrooms in GIC Kaleshwar, Nahsain, 3 labs and staff room in GIC Ghindwara

Major reconstruction work completed in GIC Ujyari for building a block of 4 classrooms

Excavation & levelling for multi-functional playground in progress in GIC Sajwankanda
Join our fundraisers
No child should be deprived of education due to poverty.
#Disaster Relief #Education #Women Empowerment #Children